Friday, 27 February 2015

Sim's 4 100 Baby Challenge Chapter 2

Welcome back,

Lexie in fact was pregnant at the end of the last update!

Nooboo #4 will soon be here!
Daddy #4 is Marcus Nunes. His traits are Creative, Goofball and Neat.
Daddy #4: Marcus Nunes

And here she is nooboo # 4: Dani
Dani was assigned the traits (using random trait/aspiration generator) Loves the Outdoors, Neat and Ambitious. Child aspiration: Whiz Kid. Adult aspiration Friend of the world.

Meanwhile...after achieving an A in grade school and completing his childhood aspirations...
Archie mixing potions to complete the Whiz Kid

 ...we had a birthday!
Make a wish Archie!

Archie, NooBoo #1, became a teenager!

This is Dani btw she aged up into a child! She looks a lot
like her sister! Different dad's, I swear! 

During all this Birthday merriment Lexie, as you have probably guessed has been pregnant with our NooBoo number 5! Who's the daddy this time? well he's: Active, Non Committal and a Bro.

Meet Mr J Huntington III:

Daddy #5: he looks pretty pleased with himself,
doesn't he?
Here he is NooBoo #5: Elliott Richmond

The traits assigned to Elliott are: Active, Perfectionist and Ambitious. Child aspiration: Rambunctious Scamp. Adult aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy

Cody filling the role of big brother just fine

Family time...and finally we can get some help with
the babies!

No time to rest though now there's another cake to be baked!

A couple of days later it was Bethany's birthday

Our NooBoo #2 is also a Teen!

Yet've guessed it Lexie went looking for daddy #6

Just out for his morning jog this lucky fellow had
no idea what was going to happen

Daddy #6: Howard Dudley

Howard's traits are: Genius, Ambitious and Materialistic, which of these will his nooboo inherit? Lets find out...oh, before we do thought somebody just aged up!

Say hello to Elliott, he was NooBoo #5 our Scamp is
already on the monkey bars!

Here she is our NooBoo #6 is here! Say hi to
Felicity Richmond

Felicity was given the following traits (by the generator) Perfectionist, Hot Headed and Materialistic. Her childhood aspiration is the Rambunctious Scamp and her adult aspiration in the Serial Romantic (just like her mum, lol)

So when do we expect NooBoo #7? Check back soon to find out.

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