Thursday 23 April 2015

Sims 4 100 Baby Challenge Chapter 9

Hi guys,

I know I have been M.I.A for the last month but I'm back now! I moved house a few weeks ago and then "Get to Work" came out and I have decided it's time to jump back into the challenge. I haven't played this family for so long that this chapter may not flow quite as well as the last but hopefully I remember enough to fill you in on what has happened since chapter 8.

When we left of in Chapter 8 Lexie had just had noo boo #21 Samantha who has now aged up to a child:

Samantha as a child working on her Rambunctious Scamp aspiration 
Remember Cayden Booth baby daddy #22?

Noo boo 22 has arrived and it's another girl!!! Poor Quinn surrounded by girls. 

Noo boo #22 Tia Richmond

Being surrounded by all these girls Quinn decided to knuckle down and get his childhood aspiration complete so he could age up to a teen and be one step closer to moving out of this mad house!

nearly there buddy!

Grade A accomplished and Whiz Kid aspiration complete time to blow out those candles!
Here he is...Quinn Richmond the teen

By the time Quinn had aged up to a teen it was time for our newest arrival to age up too! So here she is:
Tia Richmond is a child already!! She is a Rambuntious Scamp and Lazy

So, as a quick recap our current household is: Lexie Richmond (mum) Quinn (Teen) Robyn (child) Samantha (child) and Tia (child) which means we have room for more babies! Lexie wastes no time looking for her next baby daddy 

They can't refuse Lexie's seductive powers! 
Sage Spangler victim #23
Will Quinn finally get a baby brother????

Another girl! Meet noo boo #23 Ursula Richmond
Who will be Lexie's next victim? Read chapter 10 to find out!

well...that's as far as I have got during my house move/Get to work month but hopefully I will have a little more time to get to 100! Hope I didn't miss out anything too important in this very short chapter, if I did then please leave comments to let me know and I will add it in.


  1. Great to see another Sims blog! :D What's your secret to getting girls? My matriarch keeps having boys, lol. She's finally started popping out more girls recently which is a big relief because she's pretty close to Elderhood.

    I'd love if you could check out my blog, too! It's I'll bookmark this blog so I can keep coming back to it. :)

    1. Thanks for reading...will check yours out this afternoon! She is having so many girls but in my normal game play I always get boys! Really want a boy here soon though as I'm struggling to give all these girls their own "look"

  2. Great update Chaz! I'm getting a lot of girls this generation as well. I'm now at 7 to 3 boys. It's still early though, things could even out (at least I hope they will). It's difficult to get back into the swing of things after taking a break. Looking forward to your next chapter :)

    1. Thank you for your support. I have played on a little further and hope to get next chapter done in the next couple of days 😃

  3. Oh my gosh you have a lot of girls! I wish my sim would have more girls, most of my first generation so far is boys! Can't wait for the next chapter. :)

    Check out my blog too?

    1. I would love to check out you blog! It's on my to do list this afternoon! She is having so many took me ages to get girls in my normal gameplay but not this one...really want a little boy now...pweeese
